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Scientist with Microscope

The Trust is


Serving Vieques For 40 Years

We foster, protect and conserve the environmental, archaeological and cultural resources of Vieques

Birds of Vieques: An art exhibit

January 11-April 1, 2025

Saturday, March 22,  12pm-8pm

Crab Island Distillery | Free Admission
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Bioluminescent Bay at night bright glowing water

Bioluminescent Bay

Puerto Mosquito Bioluminescent Bay is considered the brightest and most pristine in the world. Its conservation is part of our mission.

One of the primary goals is to preserve and study the bioluminescent bays found on the island.


Since its founding the VCHT has been involved in scientific and technical work that supports its conservation. We assist the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources as co-managers of the reserve, in erosion and sedimentation control, water quality monitoring and dinoflagellate counts.

We need your help to protect this natural resource

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Worker digging soil and planting new trees in mangrove restoration project

Hurricane Maria caused almost total mortality of the mangroves in these areas which give the mouth of the bay its characteristic meandering shape, which in turn, protects the Pyrodinium bahamense bloom from washing out into the sea.

Drs Elvira Cuevas and Ernesto Medina, the scientists who conducted the post-storm assessment of the mangrove forest in Puerto Mosquito and its potential for recovery recommended reforestation to begin as soon as possible in the areas of total mangrove mortality, since it could take between 15 – 30 years for the areas to recuperate naturally.

Help us save the Mangroves

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Birding With The Trust

Vieques is a Birdlife International Important Bird Area.  Due to large tracts of intact habitat, Vieques is a critical stop over, a wintering area for North American shorebirds, other migrants, and resident birds of conservation concern.

Birding With The Trust contributes to public education via bird walks, talks, and student programs. We also contribute to science by conducting annual bird surveys, breeding bird, shorebird, waterbird surveys, and the Christmas Bird Count.

Learn more about bird conservation, education and community involvement.

News and Announcements

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