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Financial Reports

Fiancial statements

Federal tax law provides tax benefits to nonprofit organizations recognized as exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Puerto Rico provides tax benefits to nonprofit corporations recognized a exempt under Section 1101.01 of the Puerto Rico Tax Code.


Contributions of cash or property equaling $250 or more to a 501(c)(3) organization are tax deductible federally and 100% of donations up to 50% of the Adjusted Gross Income for the tax year are deductible in Puerto Rico.

VCHT annual audits for previous years are available to the public via this website and in our Esperanza office during regular business hours.

Public Agreements & Reports

Acuerdo de Colaboración sobre Bahía Mosquito DRNA/Municipio de Vieques 2021

Acuerdo Co-manejo RNBBV DRNA/VCHT 2016

Mosquito Bay Collaboration Agreement DRNA/

Municipio de Vieques 2021

Board Resolution pro

Co-management Agreement 

VCHT Summary Report to Sec DNER RNBBV 2021

Co-management agreement RNBBV - DNER/VCHT 2016

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